Do you have a few favorite songs that you just can't help but play just about every time you practice?
Today I was practicing G scale and then C Scale. Played boogie woogie several times. All of these I played over and over at different tempos. Then as usual I have to break into a couple of the same songs I play over and over. I think the song of the last quarter year has been Gumbo Waltz. It's like it is always there just waiting for me to play. It's definitely a favorite. Or maybe it's cause my subconcious knows there is one little piece of the song that still needs some figuring out.

Any of you have any problems with the outer winding of your strings breaking down?
This is the second time in just  a few months I have had to change my A string. The string starts to break down and gets all scratchy to the touch. Not sure what is happening.

On cleaning, every now and then I wipe down my fiddle and the strings with a clean soft cloth but never use any cleaners. Wonder if there is something I should use to preserve and clean the finish with. Any suggestions?
Practice, Practice Practice.....

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    I'm just trying to learn the fiddle. I am at a beginners level but I know a couple dozen songs but intonation and bowing still suffer. There are so many opinions on what to concentrate on when trying to progress in playing. Just blogging to hear some of what folks have tried and like most as a practice method.


    October 2012

